
How Much Is the Mega Millions Drawing Up to TUTORIAL

Mega Millions® Estimated Jackpot Calculations


Draw Engagement Advertised Jackpot (30 Annual Payments) Estimated CVO for Advertised Jackpot Estimated Jackpot Official Lottery Interpretation Worksheet
02/04/2022 $22 Thousand $15.0 M * -

Drawing Estimation History
Describe Appointment Advertised Jackpot (30 Annual Payments) Estimated CVO for Advertised Jackpot Estimated Jackpot Official Lottery Estimation Worksheet
02/01/2022 $xx K $ M $22 Thou -
01/28/2022 $421 Chiliad $290.ix M $452 Thou -
01/25/2022 $396 M $273.half-dozen Thousand $421 M -
01/21/2022 $376 Thou $256.4 Thou $396 M -
01/18/2022 $347 1000 $239.4 Yard $376 Thousand -
01/14/2022 $325 M $224.ane M $347 M -
01/11/2022 $300 Thousand $206.7 Thou $325 Thou -
01/07/2022 $278 M $193.0 Thousand $300 G -
01/04/2022 $253 M $ M $278 Chiliad -
12/31/2021 $221 Yard $159.6 Thou $244 M -
12/28/2021 $201 Thou $144.1 M $221 M -
12/24/2021 $187 Grand $134.three 1000 $201 Yard -
12/21/2021 $171 M $124.half-dozen M $187 Grand -
12/17/2021 $160 M $115.vii M $171 Yard -
12/14/2021 $148 M $ M $160 K -
12/ten/2021 $135 M $98.v Thou $148 M -
12/07/2021 $122 M $89.ii One thousand $135 M -
12/03/2021 $112 K $81.v M $122 M -
11/30/2021 $102 M $73.iii M $112 M -
11/26/2021 $94 Thou $66.3 K $102 Yard -
11/23/2021 $83 1000 $59.3 Thou $94 M -
11/19/2021 $74 M $52.three M $83 M -
11/16/2021 $63 Grand $45.0 M $74 M -
11/12/2021 $53 G $38.5 M $63 M -
11/09/2021 $45 Thousand $32.two M $53 M -
11/05/2021 $36 M $25.five Thou $45 M -
xi/02/2021 $26 M $18.4 M $36 M -
10/29/2021 $22 M $15.iv Thou $26 M -
10/26/2021 $20 Yard $13.9 M $22 Yard -
10/22/2021 $108 Yard $75.7 M $121 M -
10/19/2021 $94 M $66.0 Grand $108 M -
10/15/2021 $84 M $58.four Chiliad $94 M -
10/12/2021 $73 M $l.iv M $84 M -
10/08/2021 $60 M $42.i M $73 M -
10/05/2021 $45 M $31.7 1000 $60 M -
10/01/2021 $34 Thou $ Thou $45 Thousand -
09/28/2021 $22 G $xv.8 1000 $34 M -
09/24/2021 $20 M $14.5 K $22 Thousand -
09/21/2021 $432 M $312.8 Chiliad $457 Thousand -
09/17/2021 $405 M $294.7 M $432 One thousand -
09/fourteen/2021 $383 M $277.3 Thousand $405 One thousand -
09/10/2021 $368 M $263.7 M $383 M -
09/07/2021 $345 M $248.7 M $368 M -
09/03/2021 $323 K $234.nine K $345 One thousand -
08/31/2021 $306 M $221.0 Chiliad $323 1000 -
08/27/2021 $288 G $208.9 G $306 Yard -
08/24/2021 $270 Chiliad $196.7 M $288 M -
08/xx/2021 $256 M $185.half dozen M $270 M -
08/17/2021 $242 M $173.2 M $256 M -
08/13/2021 $225 M $161.two K $242 One thousand -
08/10/2021 $208 Thou $150.2 One thousand $225 M -
08/06/2021 $191 M $139.8 Yard $208 M -
08/03/2021 $179 G $129.5 M $191 M -
07/30/2021 $166 K $120.4 Thou $179 M -
07/27/2021 $153 Thousand $110.1 Chiliad $166 M -
07/23/2021 $140 M $100.7 M $153 M -
07/twenty/2021 $128 Yard $91.8 M $138 Yard -
07/xvi/2021 $117 M $83.6 Thou $128 M -
07/13/2021 $104 M $74.two Chiliad $117 Yard -
07/09/2021 $94 M $66.7 One thousand $104 Thou -
07/06/2021 $82 M $57.7 K $94 K -
07/02/2021 $72 M $50.ii M $82 M -
06/29/2021 $61 M $42.vii M $72 G -
06/25/2021 $50 M $34.9 Thousand $61 M -
06/22/2021 $40 Thou $28.two Yard $50 K -
06/18/2021 $thirty M $20.7 Chiliad $40 K -
06/15/2021 $22 M $15.three One thousand $30 M -
06/11/2021 $20 M $13.8 Thou $22 Grand -
06/08/2021 $56 1000 $38.3 M $67 M -
06/04/2021 $45 Grand $thirty.5 M $56 Yard -
06/01/2021 $34 Thou $23.2 Chiliad $45 G -
05/28/2021 $22 M $15.0 M $34 M -
05/25/2021 $xx M $13.5 M $22 Thousand -
05/21/2021 $515 Yard $346.3 M $560 M -
05/18/2021 $475 M $319.4 M $515 K -
05/14/2021 $430 M $291.ane M $468 Yard -
05/eleven/2021 $402 M $272.1 M $430 M -
05/07/2021 $370 Grand $254.1 M $396 M -
05/04/2021 $345 M $234.half dozen One thousand $370 M -
04/xxx/2021 $319 Grand $218.vii M $345 M -
04/27/2021 $297 M $204.1 Chiliad $319 1000 -
04/23/2021 $277 M $189.two M $297 M -
04/20/2021 $257 M $175.9 M $277 M -
04/xvi/2021 $240 Thou $162.half dozen Chiliad $257 One thousand -
04/13/2021 $220 Grand $148.9 Thousand $240 G -
04/09/2021 $201 M $135.9 Thou $220 M -
04/06/2021 $184 G $123.9 M $201 M -
04/02/2021 $168 M $112.1 Grand $184 M -
03/30/2021 $152 Yard $102.2 One thousand $168 One thousand -
03/26/2021 $137 M $92.v Yard $152 M -
03/23/2021 $122 M $81.1 M $137 M -
03/19/2021 $105 1000 $ M $122 M -
03/16/2021 $93 M $62.7 One thousand $105 Thousand -
03/12/2021 $79 M $54.four K $93 M -
03/09/2021 $68 M $46.3 M $79 Yard -
03/05/2021 $55 Thousand $38.1 Thousand $68 1000 -
03/02/2021 $43 One thousand $29.vii M $55 M -
02/26/2021 $thirty Yard $21.0 M $43 M -
02/23/2021 $22 One thousand $xv.6 G $thirty M -
02/19/2021 $20 K $14.2 Chiliad $22 G -
02/16/2021 $96 M $69.4 M $111 M -
02/12/2021 $82 M $59.nine M $96 M -
02/09/2021 $68 Grand $49.six M $82 G -
02/05/2021 $54 M $39.vii Chiliad $68 G -
02/02/2021 $42 M $31.0 M $54 M -
01/29/2021 $25 M $18.6 M $42 Grand -
01/26/2021 $20 M $xiv.7 M $25 M -
01/22/2021 $1.00 B $739.6 Thousand $ane.x B -
01/xix/2021 $865 M $638.eight Thousand $970 Thousand -
01/15/2021 $750 1000 $550.6 1000 $850 M -
01/12/2021 $625 M $458.8 Thousand $750 M -
01/08/2021 $520 M $383.4 One thousand $600 M -
01/05/2021 $447 Thousand $339.6 M $490 M -
01/01/2021 $401 M $305.4 M $432 Thou -
12/29/2020 $376 M $287.4 M $401 Chiliad -
12/25/2020 $352 M $269.7 Grand $376 K -
12/22/2020 $330 M $252.8 Thou $352 M -
12/18/2020 $310 1000 $238.0 K $330 Grand -
12/15/2020 $291 M $224.7 M $310 Grand -
12/11/2020 $276 M $211.viii M $291 M -
12/08/2020 $264 Thousand $199.8 M $276 M -
12/04/2020 $244 M $187.6 M $264 M -
12/01/2020 $229 Yard $177.5 M $244 M -
11/27/2020 $214 M $165.7 M $229 One thousand -
11/24/2020 $200 Thousand $155.5 1000 $214 1000 -
11/20/2020 $188 Chiliad $145.0 M $200 Thou -
11/17/2020 $176 G $135.1 M $188 M -
xi/13/2020 $165 M $ Chiliad $176 Grand -
11/10/2020 $152 Thousand $117.5 M $165 M -
11/06/2020 $142 M $108.7 M $152 Yard -
11/03/2020 $129 M $99.5 Grand $142 M -
10/xxx/2020 $118 M $91.4 M $129 Grand -
10/27/2020 $109 M $83.2 M $118 Thou -
10/23/2020 $97 Thousand $75.1 Chiliad $109 Yard -
10/xx/2020 $86 M $67.iii M $97 Thou -
10/sixteen/2020 $77 M $ M $86 1000 -
ten/13/2020 $69 One thousand $53.4 Thou $77 M -
10/09/2020 $60 M $46.iv Chiliad $69 1000 -
ten/06/2020 $50 M $39.3 M $60 M -
ten/02/2020 $41 M $32.5 M $50 M -
09/29/2020 $32 Chiliad $25.5 M $41 1000 -
09/25/2020 $24 M $nineteen.0 One thousand $32 M -
09/22/2020 $22 1000 $17.4 Yard $24 M -
09/18/2020 $20 Chiliad $15.ix M $22 One thousand -
09/xv/2020 $119 M $94.half dozen Yard $131 M -
09/11/2020 $108 One thousand $86.0 M $119 M -
09/08/2020 $97 M $77.1 M $108 One thousand -
09/04/2020 $88 M $69.0 M $97 Chiliad -
09/01/2020 $78 One thousand $61.i M $88 M -
08/28/2020 $68 Grand $53.ix M $78 G -
08/25/2020 $57 Chiliad $45.v M $68 1000 -
08/21/2020 $49 Thou $38.9 M $57 Yard -
08/18/2020 $twoscore M $31.7 G $49 K -
08/14/2020 $31 M $24.9 M $forty K -
08/11/2020 $24 M $19.7 M $31 Grand -
08/07/2020 $22 Yard $xviii.0 M $24 One thousand -
08/04/2020 $20 M $16.3 Grand $22 Thousand -
07/31/2020 $22 Grand $17.9 M $24 M -
07/28/2020 $xx M $sixteen.2 M $22 M -
07/24/2020 $124 K $99.9 G $134 M -
07/21/2020 $113 M $90.9 M $124 M -
07/17/2020 $101 M $81.6 M $113 Thousand -
07/14/2020 $91 K $73.5 Thou $101 Yard -
07/x/2020 $83 M $65.5 1000 $91 One thousand -
07/07/2020 $73 Chiliad $57.2 M $83 M -
07/03/2020 $62 M $49.iii M $73 Thousand -
06/30/2020 $53 M $42.1 Yard $62 M -
06/26/2020 $44 M $34.5 M $53 M -
06/23/2020 $35 Grand $27.iii M $44 Yard -
06/19/2020 $26 M $ 1000 $35 K -
06/sixteen/2020 $22 M $17.2 G $26 1000 -
06/12/2020 $xx M $15.4 M $22 M -
06/09/2020 $410 M $308.2 M $440 M -
06/05/2020 $378 M $ G $410 M -
06/02/2020 $356 M $280.v M $378 M -
05/29/2020 $336 M $265.6 M $356 K -
05/26/2020 $313 M $249.8 1000 $336 Thou -
05/22/2020 $298 K $235.0 1000 $313 M -
05/19/2020 $274 Thou $221.eight One thousand $298 G -
05/15/2020 $266 M $210.1 G $274 1000 -
05/12/2020 $248 M $197.4 M $266 M -
05/08/2020 $231 M $184.9 M $248 Thousand -
05/05/2020 $215 M $173.i Thousand $231 M -
05/01/2020 $200 M $161.viii Grand $215 One thousand -
04/28/2020 $186 M $151.2 M $200 M -
04/24/2020 $174 M $142.9 1000 $186 M -
04/21/2020 $164 Chiliad $133.viii G $174 M -
04/17/2020 $159 One thousand $125.7 Chiliad $164 One thousand -
04/14/2020 $145 Chiliad $115.2 M $159 M -
04/ten/2020 $136 M $108.3 M $145 K -
04/07/2020 $127 Thousand $103.0 Thousand $136 M -
04/03/2020 $121 1000 $96.7 M $127 M -
03/31/2020 $113 M $90.3 Grand $121 M -
03/27/2020 $107 Chiliad $83.9 M $113 M -
03/24/2020 $101 M $76.5 M $107 M -
03/twenty/2020 $96 M $76.0 M $101 M -
03/17/2020 $xc Grand $69.4 M $96 G -
03/13/2020 $lxxx M $65.iv M $ninety M -
03/10/2020 $75 M $60.7 M $eighty M -
03/06/2020 $lxx G $52.4 M $75 Thou -
03/03/2020 $65 Grand $48.half dozen M $lxx One thousand -
02/28/2020 $threescore Yard $42.9 M $65 M -
02/25/2020 $55 Thou $39.5 M $threescore Grand -
02/21/2020 $50 Thou $35.3 1000 $55 Thousand -
02/eighteen/2020 $45 Thousand $31.7 M $50 M -
02/14/2020 $xl Grand $28.ane M $45 M -
02/11/2020 $202 Thou $142.0 M $220 Thou -
02/07/2020 $187 Yard $130.9 Grand $202 G -
02/04/2020 $168 Chiliad $118.8 M $187 M -
01/31/2020 $155 Chiliad $108.iii M $168 M -
01/28/2020 $141 G $97.i M $155 M -
01/24/2020 $130 M $88.1 1000 $141 G -
01/21/2020 $116 K $78.0 K $130 M -
01/17/2020 $103 M $69.5 Thou $116 Grand -
01/14/2020 $91 M $61.i Chiliad $103 Thousand -
01/10/2020 $lxxx M $53.ix M $91 K -
01/07/2020 $69 K $46.iv M $80 G -
01/03/2020 $60 G $ Thousand $69 M -
12/31/2019 $55 M $37.0 Thousand $threescore 1000 -
12/27/2019 $50 M $33.four M $55 M -
12/24/2019 $45 Grand $30.0 Chiliad $fifty Grand -
12/20/2019 $40 M $27.0 Chiliad $45 Yard -
12/17/2019 $372 Chiliad $251.6 M $413 M -
12/13/2019 $340 Chiliad $230.8 Thou $372 M -
12/10/2019 $314 M $212.3 K $340 Chiliad -
12/06/2019 $285 Thou $195.vii M $314 Thousand -
12/03/2019 $266 Thou $182.3 M $285 Grand -
eleven/29/2019 $243 Thousand $167.iv M $266 Grand -
11/26/2019 $226 G $154.3 M $243 1000 -
11/22/2019 $208 Grand $141.1 K $226 One thousand -
eleven/19/2019 $192 M $129.iii Yard $208 G -
xi/15/2019 $178 Thousand $117.9 G $192 K -
11/12/2019 $163 M $108.2 G $178 M -
11/08/2019 $145 M $97.six M $163 M -
xi/05/2019 $127 Chiliad $87.5 G $145 M -
11/01/2019 $118 Grand $79.3 M $127 M -
10/29/2019 $105 Thou $71.iv M $118 Grand -
10/25/2019 $93 G $63.iii M $105 M -
10/22/2019 $82 M $55.9 1000 $93 1000 -
10/xviii/2019 $71 M $48.8 M $82 Grand -
ten/15/2019 $65 M $44.7 M $71 M -
ten/xi/2019 $threescore One thousand $42.5 M $65 Yard -
10/08/2019 $55 M $ M $60 Grand -
10/04/2019 $50 One thousand $35.2 G $55 M -
10/01/2019 $45 M $31.eight Grand $50 M -
09/27/2019 $40 Thousand $27.9 M $45 Yard -
09/24/2019 $227 M $156.5 Yard $244 Thousand -
09/xx/2019 $211 Thousand $143.three M $227 M -
09/17/2019 $192 M $130.7 One thousand $211 M -
09/thirteen/2019 $172 M $120.3 M $192 M -
09/ten/2019 $154 Thousand $109.four M $172 K -
09/06/2019 $139 Yard $99.5 Yard $154 M -
09/03/2019 $127 M $90.7 M $139 K -
08/30/2019 $113 1000 $80.8 One thousand $127 M -
08/27/2019 $103 One thousand $72.3 M $113 1000 -
08/23/2019 $90 M $63.ix M $103 M -
08/twenty/2019 $79 M $56.ane M $90 M -
08/sixteen/2019 $lxx Yard $49.0 1000 $79 Thousand -
08/13/2019 $65 M $44.vii K $seventy Thou -
08/09/2019 $60 Chiliad $ G $65 M -
08/06/2019 $55 M $36.7 M $lx 1000 -
08/02/2019 $50 M $32.4 Chiliad $55 M -
07/30/2019 $45 One thousand $29.1 One thousand $fifty One thousand -
07/26/2019 $40 Yard $25.8 One thousand $45 M -
07/23/2019 $168 M $108.8 M $185 M -
07/xix/2019 $154 One thousand $98.8 M $168 M -
07/16/2019 $137 M $ M $154 M -
07/12/2019 $121 K $78.6 Thou $137 One thousand -
07/09/2019 $107 M $70.three M $121 Thousand -
07/05/2019 $95 Grand $61.9 K $107 M -
07/02/2019 $83 One thousand $54.0 G $95 Yard -
06/28/2019 $71 M $46.half dozen Chiliad $83 M -
06/25/2019 $threescore 1000 $39.2 M $71 M -
06/21/2019 $55 Grand $36.0 One thousand $lx M -
06/18/2019 $50 M $32.4 G $55 Chiliad -
06/14/2019 $45 M $29.0 M $l Chiliad -
06/11/2019 $40 Grand $26.0 One thousand $45 1000 -
06/07/2019 $530 Thousand $343.nine M $575 K -
06/04/2019 $475 M $307.0 M $530 M -
05/31/2019 $444 M $281.1 Thou $475 M -
05/28/2019 $418 M $263.3 M $444 Yard -
05/24/2019 $393 G $244.2 Yard $418 M -
05/21/2019 $367 M $228.0 M $393 M -
05/17/2019 $339 M $210.5 M $367 M -
05/14/2019 $316 Thousand $195.5 Thou $339 One thousand -
05/ten/2019 $295 Thou $181.8 M $316 G -
05/07/2019 $273 M $167.1 M $295 M -
05/03/2019 $252 M $153.nine M $273 M -
04/xxx/2019 $229 Thou $140.3 Yard $252 M -
04/26/2019 $212 M $128.five M $229 1000 -
04/23/2019 $192 M $116.7 M $212 M -
04/19/2019 $175 K $106.1 M $192 Thousand -
04/16/2019 $157 M $95.4 M $175 M -
04/12/2019 $140 Thousand $85.nine Thousand $157 Thou -
04/09/2019 $120 M $73.four M $140 Chiliad -
04/05/2019 $104 M $63.9 M $120 M -
04/02/2019 $88 M $ One thousand $104 M -
03/29/2019 $75 M $46.6 Yard $88 M -
03/26/2019 $57 M $35.3 Yard $75 M -
03/22/2019 $50 K $30.2 One thousand $57 M -
03/nineteen/2019 $45 M $27.3 Thou $fifty One thousand -
03/15/2019 $forty M $24.1 Thousand $45 M -
03/12/2019 $l M $ M $55 Yard -
03/08/2019 $45 M $26.8 Grand $l M -
03/05/2019 $40 M $23.8 M $45 One thousand -
03/01/2019 $267 Chiliad $161.7 M $295 K -
02/26/2019 $245 K $148.3 Thou $267 One thousand -
02/22/2019 $224 One thousand $136.1 M $245 1000 -
02/nineteen/2019 $206 Chiliad $124.7 M $224 Grand -
02/15/2019 $190 M $114.8 M $206 Grand -
02/12/2019 $173 M $ M $190 M -
02/08/2019 $157 M $94.iv M $173 M -
02/05/2019 $139 1000 $84.0 Chiliad $157 M -
02/01/2019 $125 M $74.eight M $139 Chiliad -
01/29/2019 $109 M $65.3 M $125 M -
01/25/2019 $96 One thousand $57.4 M $109 M -
01/22/2019 $82 One thousand $48.viii M $96 M -
01/18/2019 $68 Grand $40.6 M $82 M -
01/15/2019 $55 M $33.0 M $68 M -
01/11/2019 $50 M $thirty.1 M $55 M -
01/08/2019 $45 M $27.3 M $l M -
01/04/2019 $xl 1000 $23.9 Thou $45 Thousand -
01/01/2019 $425 Thousand $254.6 M $488 M -
12/28/2018 $370 Chiliad $223.2 One thousand $415 Yard -
12/25/2018 $321 M $193.7 M $348 M -
12/21/2018 $305 Thousand $181.four 1000 $321 M -
12/18/2018 $284 M $167.nine Thou $305 One thousand -
12/xiv/2018 $262 1000 $155.7 M $284 M -
12/11/2018 $245 M $144.i Thou $262 M -
12/07/2018 $226 Thousand $132.1 K $245 Chiliad -
12/04/2018 $208 M $119.9 M $226 Thousand -
11/thirty/2018 $190 M $109.1 Chiliad $208 M -
xi/27/2018 $172 M $99.3 M $190 M -
11/23/2018 $155 M $89.2 M $172 1000 -
11/20/2018 $139 M $79.2 M $155 Yard -
xi/16/2018 $122 Chiliad $69.2 M $139 M -
xi/13/2018 $106 G $59.eight G $122 M -
11/09/2018 $xc One thousand $l.7 K $106 M -
xi/06/2018 $seventy M $39.five M $90 1000 -
11/02/2018 $52 M $29.6 Thou $lxx M -
10/xxx/2018 $45 M $25.7 M $52 M -
ten/26/2018 $40 Thou $22.8 M $45 M -
10/23/2018 $1.60 B $904.9 M $2.00 B -
ten/xix/2018 $1.00 B $ K $1.60 B -
10/sixteen/2018 $667 M $380.0 Grand $868 M -
10/12/2018 $548 M $309.2 M $654 M -
10/09/2018 $470 M $265.three Grand $548 M -
ten/05/2018 $420 M $ M $470 Grand -
x/02/2018 $367 K $213.9 1000 $405 Yard -
09/28/2018 $336 Chiliad $195.3 G $367 M -
09/25/2018 $303 G $176.8 M $336 M -
09/21/2018 $275 M $161.5 M $303 M -
09/18/2018 $252 Grand $148.6 Thou $275 G -
09/14/2018 $227 Yard $134.6 Thousand $252 Thou -
09/11/2018 $207 M $122.7 M $227 M -
09/07/2018 $187 M $111.7 M $207 K -
09/04/2018 $167 Thousand $100.8 M $187 M -
08/31/2018 $152 Grand $91.2 1000 $167 M -
08/28/2018 $134 M $ M $152 Grand -
08/24/2018 $118 Chiliad $lxx.9 M $134 Grand -
08/21/2018 $102 M $61.two M $118 M -
08/17/2018 $88 M $52.6 Chiliad $102 Grand -
08/xiv/2018 $75 M $44.8 Yard $88 M -
08/ten/2018 $63 G $37.2 M $75 Thousand -
08/07/2018 $55 M $32.v M $63 M -
08/03/2018 $50 Yard $29.6 1000 $55 Grand -
07/31/2018 $45 K $26.six M $50 G -
07/27/2018 $40 Grand $23.6 K $45 M -
07/24/2018 $522 Chiliad $308.1 One thousand $630 M -
07/20/2018 $433 Thousand $260.0 1000 $493 K -
07/17/2018 $375 M $226.7 M $422 G -
07/xiii/2018 $340 M $204.8 M $375 One thousand -
07/x/2018 $306 K $185.5 M $340 M -
07/06/2018 $283 M $170.0 K $306 M -
07/03/2018 $256 M $154.0 Chiliad $283 M -
06/29/2018 $232 M $139.5 M $256 Grand -
06/26/2018 $212 M $126.8 M $232 G -
06/22/2018 $192 M $115.5 Chiliad $212 M -
06/nineteen/2018 $175 Grand $105.1 M $192 Thou -
06/15/2018 $161 M $95.4 M $175 K -
06/12/2018 $144 M $85.8 One thousand $161 Grand -
06/08/2018 $127 M $ M $144 Thou -
06/05/2018 $110 M $ M $127 Thou -
06/01/2018 $97 M $57.six Thousand $110 M -
05/29/2018 $84 1000 $49.9 M $97 Chiliad -
05/25/2018 $73 1000 $42.5 M $84 K -
05/22/2018 $threescore One thousand $34.eight M $73 One thousand -
05/eighteen/2018 $55 1000 $32.0 M $60 K -
05/15/2018 $fifty M $29.5 Thou $55 Chiliad -
05/xi/2018 $45 M $26.v M $50 M -
05/08/2018 $40 M $23.six M $45 M -
05/04/2018 $143 M $84.3 One thousand $159 Thousand -
05/01/2018 $126 M $74.2 M $143 M -
04/27/2018 $111 One thousand $65.1 M $126 M -
04/24/2018 $96 M $56.6 M $111 Thousand -
04/20/2018 $80 M $47.nine M $96 M -
04/17/2018 $67 1000 $twoscore.0 M $lxxx Grand -
04/13/2018 $55 Thousand $33.0 One thousand $67 One thousand -
04/10/2018 $50 Thou $29.viii M $55 Yard -
04/06/2018 $45 G $27.0 M $l Yard -
04/03/2018 $40 M $24.i K $45 Yard -
03/xxx/2018 $521 M $317.2 1000 $612 M -
03/27/2018 $458 M $274.5 M $502 K -
03/23/2018 $421 M $250.7 Grand $458 M -
03/20/2018 $377 M $225.7 M $421 G -
03/sixteen/2018 $345 Thousand $205.3 M $377 M -
03/13/2018 $318 One thousand $187.6 M $345 M -
03/09/2018 $290 M $172.1 M $318 M -
03/06/2018 $265 G $157.6 M $290 Yard -
03/02/2018 $243 Grand $143.viii K $265 M -
02/27/2018 $222 M $130.7 M $243 M -
02/23/2018 $204 G $120.4 Chiliad $222 1000 -
02/twenty/2018 $185 Chiliad $109.9 M $204 1000 -
02/sixteen/2018 $168 G $99.5 M $185 M -
02/13/2018 $153 M $90.2 Grand $168 Grand -
02/09/2018 $136 M $81.3 M $153 M -
02/06/2018 $120 M $71.7 Thousand $136 Thou -
02/02/2018 $104 M $63.0 M $120 M -
01/thirty/2018 $89 Chiliad $54.6 Thousand $104 M -
01/26/2018 $76 M $46.six Yard $89 Thou -
01/23/2018 $63 M $38.5 M $76 Grand -
01/19/2018 $55 M $34.1 M $63 M -
01/16/2018 $50 One thousand $30.viii Thousand $55 M -
01/12/2018 $45 M $27.viii M $50 G -
01/09/2018 $40 M $25.0 M $45 M -
01/05/2018 $450 M $281.2 M $560 M -
01/02/2018 $361 M $225.9 M $418 M -
12/29/2017 $306 Grand $ M $343 Chiliad -
12/26/2017 $277 M $172.4 M $306 G -
12/22/2017 $253 Thousand $157.5 M $277 Yard -
12/nineteen/2017 $223 M $141.7 Grand $247 M -
12/fifteen/2017 $208 M $130.6 M $223 K -
12/12/2017 $191 M $120.iv M $208 G -
12/08/2017 $176 M $110.ix Thou $191 Chiliad -
12/05/2017 $160 Chiliad $100.5 G $176 1000 -
12/01/2017 $145 M $91.3 M $160 M -
xi/28/2017 $132 M $83.two 1000 $145 Yard -
11/24/2017 $119 M $75.ane Yard $132 One thousand -
11/21/2017 $106 M $66.4 G $119 M -
11/17/2017 $95 M $59.2 M $106 M -
11/14/2017 $82 Grand $51.4 Chiliad $95 M -
11/10/2017 $71 Yard $44.six Thou $82 Thou -
11/07/2017 $59 M $36.9 M $71 Thou -
11/03/2017 $48 M $29.vii M $59 M -
10/31/2017 $xl M $24.five Chiliad $48 Thousand -
10/27/2017 $30 M $eighteen.iv M $40 K -
10/24/2017 $25 1000 $15.4 M $30 M -
10/20/2017 $20 M $12.five K $25 Thousand -
ten/17/2017 $15 Chiliad $nine.iii M $20 Yard -
10/13/2017 $43 M $26.6 Grand $50 M -
10/10/2017 $36 1000 $22.1 M $43 M -
x/06/2017 $xxx M $18.five Grand $36 M -
10/03/2017 $25 M $15.iv Yard $30 M -
09/29/2017 $20 M $12.6 Grand $25 Thousand -
09/26/2017 $15 Chiliad $9.4 M $20 M -
09/22/2017 $104 M $65.6 M $114 M -
09/19/2017 $94 Yard $ M $104 Yard -
09/fifteen/2017 $86 M $54.v 1000 $94 Grand -
09/12/2017 $76 M $48.9 Chiliad $86 Thou -
09/08/2017 $70 M $44.iii M $76 M -
09/05/2017 $61 G $38.7 M $70 M -
09/01/2017 $53 M $33.9 Grand $61 M -
08/29/2017 $45 Thou $28.5 Yard $53 M -
08/25/2017 $37 G $23.3 M $45 Yard -
08/22/2017 $25 Thousand $15.8 Yard $37 M -
08/18/2017 $20 M $12.five M $25 M -
08/fifteen/2017 $15 M $9.4 M $20 M -
08/11/2017 $393 M $246.five Grand $444 M -
08/08/2017 $350 1000 $218.iii Chiliad $382 Yard -
08/04/2017 $323 M $199.8 M $346 M -
08/01/2017 $303 M $186.9 M $323 M -
07/28/2017 $282 One thousand $174.7 Thousand $303 M -
07/25/2017 $262 M $164.ane Yard $282 M -
07/21/2017 $248 M $153.vii Yard $262 M -
07/18/2017 $232 M $143.3 M $248 G -
07/fourteen/2017 $217 K $133.1 Thousand $232 M -
07/11/2017 $202 Grand $123.8 M $217 One thousand -
07/07/2017 $186 M $115.5 1000 $202 Thousand -
07/04/2017 $172 One thousand $106.viii Yard $186 M -
06/30/2017 $158 M $100.five 1000 $172 M -
06/27/2017 $145 Thou $92.iv M $158 M -
06/23/2017 $134 M $85.0 M $145 M -
06/xx/2017 $123 Chiliad $ M $134 M -
06/sixteen/2017 $113 M $70.iv M $123 One thousand -
06/13/2017 $101 M $63.0 M $113 M -
06/09/2017 $90 Chiliad $56.vii Thou $101 K -
06/06/2017 $80 1000 $fifty.2 M $90 M -
06/02/2017 $74 M $45.9 M $fourscore One thousand -
05/30/2017 $65 G $40.two Thou $74 One thousand -
05/26/2017 $58 M $35.9 M $65 M -
05/23/2017 $fifty M $30.8 K $58 Yard -
05/19/2017 $43 Chiliad $26.ane G $50 M -
05/16/2017 $36 1000 $21.8 Thousand $43 M -
05/12/2017 $thirty M $xviii.1 K $36 M -
05/09/2017 $25 M $fifteen.2 Chiliad $30 Yard -
05/05/2017 $twenty Thou $12.1 One thousand $25 M -
05/02/2017 $15 K $9.1 Chiliad $20 M -
04/28/2017 $61 M $37.3 1000 $seventy Yard -
04/25/2017 $52 Thousand $32.1 Thousand $61 M -
04/21/2017 $45 K $27.8 M $52 M -
04/18/2017 $37 M $22.7 M $45 M -
04/xiv/2017 $thirty M $18.iii One thousand $37 M -
04/11/2017 $25 M $15.2 M $30 M -
04/07/2017 $twenty M $12.i 1000 $25 One thousand -
04/04/2017 $15 1000 $9.0 M $20 M -
03/31/2017 $174 Grand $106.four Thou $193 M -
03/28/2017 $162 K $98.2 M $174 K -
03/24/2017 $151 M $xc.6 M $162 M -
03/21/2017 $140 Thou $83.3 1000 $151 One thousand -
03/17/2017 $131 M $ M $140 M -
03/14/2017 $119 M $lxx.2 G $131 M -
03/x/2017 $106 M $63.3 K $119 Thou -
03/07/2017 $94 M $56.three Thousand $106 M -
03/03/2017 $83 M $50.half dozen K $94 M -
02/28/2017 $73 M $44.4 M $83 Thou -
02/24/2017 $64 K $38.5 1000 $73 M -
02/21/2017 $55 M $33.two K $64 M -
02/17/2017 $46 M $27.7 M $55 Thou -
02/14/2017 $38 M $22.ix M $46 Thou -
02/10/2017 $thirty M $18.0 M $38 M -
02/07/2017 $25 Thousand $xv.0 One thousand $xxx M -
02/03/2017 $xx 1000 $11.ix Thou $25 1000 -
01/31/2017 $15 M $8.9 M $20 M -
01/27/2017 $188 Thousand $ M $205 M -
01/24/2017 $177 One thousand $106.0 Thou $188 M -
01/twenty/2017 $162 G $98.4 Grand $177 M -
01/17/2017 $150 Grand $xc.6 G $162 M -
01/13/2017 $137 Thousand $83.4 M $150 M -
01/ten/2017 $126 1000 $76.half-dozen Chiliad $137 M -
01/06/2017 $117 M $69.7 1000 $126 K -
01/03/2017 $105 M $62.five Thou $117 1000 -
12/30/2016 $96 1000 $57.0 M $105 M -
12/27/2016 $85 Grand $50.7 1000 $96 Yard -
12/23/2016 $76 M $45.0 K $85 M -
12/20/2016 $67 M $39.7 Thousand $76 M -
12/16/2016 $59 M $35.2 Thousand $67 M -
12/thirteen/2016 $51 M $30.five Yard $59 M -
12/09/2016 $43 M $25.ix M $51 Grand -
12/06/2016 $35 M $21.0 K $43 Grand -
12/02/2016 $30 1000 $eighteen.iii M $35 Yard -
11/29/2016 $25 M $15.1 M $30 M -
11/25/2016 $20 K $12.ii Thou $25 M -
11/22/2016 $15 Thousand $nine.1 M $20 Yard -
11/18/2016 $82 M $50.6 M $92 Yard -
11/15/2016 $73 M $45.four 1000 $82 1000 -
11/11/2016 $65 M $xl.four 1000 $73 M -
11/08/2016 $54 M $35.4 Chiliad $63 Thousand -
11/04/2016 $47 M $30.five Thou $54 M -
xi/01/2016 $40 G $26.0 M $47 Chiliad -
10/28/2016 $35 M $23.1 Grand $twoscore Yard -
10/25/2016 $30 Chiliad $nineteen.9 M $35 Thou -
10/21/2016 $25 M $16.4 G $xxx Thousand -
10/18/2016 $20 M $13.1 Chiliad $25 M -
10/14/2016 $15 K $9.nine M $20 M -
10/11/2016 $49 M $32.6 1000 $56 M -
ten/07/2016 $41 G $27.7 Yard $49 Chiliad -
10/04/2016 $35 M $23.9 Yard $41 M -
09/30/2016 $30 M $20.4 M $35 Grand -
09/27/2016 $25 M $16.8 Yard $30 One thousand -
09/23/2016 $20 Thousand $xiii.4 One thousand $25 M -
09/xx/2016 $15 M $x.0 M $20 M -
09/16/2016 $133 M $89.9 K $145 Thou -
09/13/2016 $122 M $82.v M $133 Grand -
09/09/2016 $111 M $76.3 Yard $122 M -
09/06/2016 $101 Thousand $69.5 M $111 M -
09/02/2016 $92 M $63.eight M $101 M -
08/30/2016 $84 M $58.i M $92 Thou -
08/26/2016 $76 M $52.viii Thou $84 M -
08/23/2016 $69 M $47.5 Thousand $76 1000 -
08/19/2016 $61 One thousand $41.9 Chiliad $69 Chiliad -
08/16/2016 $52 M $36.2 G $61 M -
08/12/2016 $45 M $30.nine M $52 Chiliad -
08/09/2016 $38 Chiliad $26.2 K $45 Thousand -
08/05/2016 $xxx Grand $20.v M $38 M -
08/02/2016 $25 Chiliad $17.three M $thirty M -
07/29/2016 $20 M $13.7 One thousand $25 M -
07/26/2016 $15 M $10.2 Thousand $20 M -
07/22/2016 $15 Yard $10.three Chiliad $twenty One thousand -
07/19/2016 $25 Thousand $17.ii M $32 G -
07/15/2016 $20 M $13.9 1000 $25 M -
07/12/2016 $15 M $10.5 Thousand $20 K -
07/08/2016 $540 M $380.0 1000 $630 Yard -
07/05/2016 $454 M $319.7 One thousand $540 One thousand -
07/01/2016 $415 M $286.4 Chiliad $454 G -
06/28/2016 $390 Grand $265.4 Thousand $415 M -
06/24/2016 $363 Grand $244.6 M $390 M -
06/21/2016 $333 M $226.2 M $363 M -
06/17/2016 $310 1000 $211.1 Thousand $333 Yard -
06/14/2016 $293 M $198.2 M $310 M -
06/ten/2016 $280 M $186.five M $293 G -
06/07/2016 $260 M $173.iii M $280 M -
06/03/2016 $251 M $162.8 K $260 Thousand -
05/31/2016 $235 M $153.3 Thou $251 Chiliad -
05/27/2016 $218 1000 $142.0 K $235 Yard -
05/24/2016 $203 Thou $132.ane Chiliad $218 M -
05/20/2016 $187 M $123.2 M $203 M -
05/17/2016 $174 M $114.7 M $187 Grand -
05/13/2016 $161 1000 $105.7 M $174 Yard -
05/10/2016 $150 M $98.3 M $161 Yard -
05/06/2016 $138 Chiliad $89.7 M $150 Yard -
05/03/2016 $128 Chiliad $82.5 M $138 M -
04/29/2016 $118 1000 $75.5 Yard $128 M -
04/26/2016 $108 One thousand $69.5 Thousand $118 M -
04/22/2016 $97 Thou $63.6 M $108 Thou -
04/xix/2016 $89 M $58.5 One thousand $97 M -
04/fifteen/2016 $80 M $52.iv M $89 M -
04/12/2016 $72 M $47.5 K $80 Grand -
04/08/2016 $65 M $42.viii M $72 M -
04/05/2016 $57 M $37.2 M $65 G -
04/01/2016 $50 M $32.4 M $57 Grand -
03/29/2016 $43 M $27.ix M $l Grand -
03/25/2016 $35 M $22.six K $43 Grand -
03/22/2016 $30 M $19.4 M $35 M -
03/18/2016 $25 G $16.1 Thou $30 M -
03/15/2016 $20 M $12.9 M $25 M -
03/11/2016 $15 Grand $ix.eight M $20 Grand -
03/08/2016 $157 M $101.9 Yard $169 M -
03/04/2016 $144 Grand $94.four Grand $157 M -
03/01/2016 $135 M $88.4 Thou $144 Yard -
02/26/2016 $125 Thousand $81.5 Yard $135 M -
02/23/2016 $114 M $75.0 M $125 M -
02/nineteen/2016 $104 M $68.0 M $114 M -
02/16/2016 $94 Chiliad $62.four Grand $104 M -
02/12/2016 $87 M $57.i M $94 M -
02/09/2016 $lxxx Thousand $51.5 M $87 One thousand -
02/05/2016 $71 1000 $45.7 Grand $fourscore M -
02/02/2016 $63 M $40.i Grand $71 Yard -
01/29/2016 $56 M $35.4 M $63 Chiliad -
01/26/2016 $48 M $30.0 M $56 1000 -
01/22/2016 $39 M $24.5 Yard $48 G -
01/19/2016 $30 M $18.nine 1000 $39 M -
01/15/2016 $22 M $13.5 M $30 M -
01/12/2016 $15 1000 $9.2 Grand $22 M -
01/08/2016 $165 Thousand $100.3 K $183 M -
01/05/2016 $145 M $88.0 M $165 M -
01/01/2016 $130 Yard $fourscore.0 M $145 1000 -
12/29/2015 $117 Thousand $71.6 M $130 M -
12/25/2015 $104 M $64.iv Thousand $117 1000 -
12/22/2015 $94 Chiliad $58.3 Yard $104 M -
12/18/2015 $85 M $52.2 M $94 M -
12/15/2015 $74 M $46.1 Chiliad $85 Chiliad -
12/xi/2015 $66 M $40.7 M $74 Thou -
12/08/2015 $57 G $34.five One thousand $66 M -
12/04/2015 $47 Grand $28.9 M $57 M -
12/01/2015 $39 1000 $23.8 M $47 Thousand -
11/27/2015 $31 M $18.9 K $39 Grand -
11/24/2015 $25 M $15.2 M $31 G -
11/20/2015 $20 Grand $12.0 M $25 M -
xi/17/2015 $15 Grand $ix.0 Grand $xx M -
11/13/2015 $200 M $120.0 Thou $220 M -
eleven/10/2015 $180 M $108.v M $200 Thousand -
11/06/2015 $164 Grand $98.9 M $180 Thou -
11/03/2015 $144 K $89.six One thousand $164 M -
10/xxx/2015 $129 M $81.5 M $144 Grand -
10/27/2015 $117 Yard $73.2 M $129 Chiliad -
x/23/2015 $105 Yard $65.6 Thousand $117 M -
ten/twenty/2015 $93 M $58.viii M $105 G -
10/sixteen/2015 $84 M $ Thousand $93 M -
10/13/2015 $75 M $46.6 Chiliad $84 M -
ten/09/2015 $65 One thousand $40.6 M $75 M -
10/06/2015 $55 M $35.2 M $65 Thou -
10/02/2015 $47 K $29.5 Yard $55 M -
09/29/2015 $39 M $24.1 M $47 Thousand -
09/25/2015 $31 M $ M $39 M -
09/22/2015 $25 M $15.4 M $31 1000 -
09/eighteen/2015 $20 M $12.2 M $25 M -
09/xv/2015 $15 Thousand $9.ii M $xx Grand -
09/eleven/2015 $106 1000 $65.4 Yard $117 Chiliad -
09/08/2015 $95 M $58.eight M $106 M -
09/04/2015 $85 Grand $52.four K $95 Grand -
09/01/2015 $74 M $46.1 G $85 G -
08/28/2015 $64 M $40.2 M $74 Yard -
08/25/2015 $55 M $34.viii M $64 One thousand -
08/21/2015 $47 M $29.four M $55 Thou -
08/xviii/2015 $39 Yard $24.iii M $47 Yard -
08/xiv/2015 $30 M $eighteen.8 M $39 M -
08/11/2015 $25 M $ M $30 M -
08/07/2015 $twenty M $12.four M $25 M -
08/04/2015 $15 Thou $ix.two G $xx Grand -
07/31/2015 $25 M $fifteen.3 M $32 Chiliad -
07/28/2015 $20 M $12.2 Grand $25 Thousand -
07/24/2015 $15 M $eight.9 M $20 M -
07/21/2015 $152 M $91.half dozen One thousand $169 Yard -
07/17/2015 $140 M $82.6 G $152 M -
07/fourteen/2015 $123 Yard $72.7 M $140 M -
07/10/2015 $106 M $64.5 Chiliad $123 Chiliad -
07/07/2015 $96 M $56.7 One thousand $106 Grand -
07/03/2015 $84 1000 $50.2 M $96 M -
06/30/2015 $74 M $43.7 Yard $84 Yard -
06/26/2015 $64 M $38.0 1000 $74 M -
06/23/2015 $52 M $31.four M $64 One thousand -
06/xix/2015 $44 M $26.five 1000 $52 Grand -
06/xvi/2015 $35 K $21.0 Thou $44 Chiliad -
06/12/2015 $26 One thousand $15.4 Yard $35 M -
06/09/2015 $twenty Chiliad $12.0 Thou $26 Yard -
06/05/2015 $xv Yard $ix.ane M $xx M -
06/02/2015 $260 Thou $158.five M $289 M -
05/29/2015 $233 Chiliad $143.1 Thou $260 Thousand -
05/26/2015 $214 Thousand $130.six M $233 M -
05/22/2015 $194 Grand $117.0 M $214 Yard -
05/19/2015 $173 Thousand $106.0 Grand $194 M -
05/fifteen/2015 $159 M $95.ix K $173 Yard -
05/12/2015 $140 M $87.2 Grand $159 M -
05/08/2015 $126 M $78.1 M $140 M -
05/05/2015 $110 M $69.2 M $126 Chiliad -
05/01/2015 $96 M $61.8 M $110 Thousand -
04/28/2015 $85 M $54.ix Thou $96 1000 -
04/24/2015 $74 G $48.ii M $85 One thousand -
04/21/2015 $65 M $42.3 Grand $74 M -
04/17/2015 $55 M $36.1 M $65 M -
04/fourteen/2015 $47 M $thirty.half-dozen 1000 $55 One thousand -
04/x/2015 $39 Thou $25.4 M $47 Chiliad -
04/07/2015 $thirty One thousand $19.8 M $39 Chiliad -
04/03/2015 $25 Thou $16.2 G $30 Thousand -
03/31/2015 $20 Grand $ Yard $25 M -
03/27/2015 $fifteen Yard $9.9 M $xx M -
03/24/2015 $59 M $38.9 Chiliad $68 M -
03/20/2015 $51 G $32.nine Grand $59 M -
03/17/2015 $42 M $26.eight M $51 Yard -
03/13/2015 $33 M $21.0 M $42 G -
03/10/2015 $25 G $15.7 Grand $33 M -
03/06/2015 $20 1000 $12.eight M $25 M -
03/03/2015 $15 M $nine.vii Thousand $20 M -
02/27/2015 $127 M $81.4 M $139 M -
02/24/2015 $112 M $71.viii K $127 Chiliad -
02/20/2015 $100 One thousand $64.2 M $112 M -
02/17/2015 $88 M $56.ix 1000 $100 M -
02/13/2015 $74 M $48.iii M $88 Yard -
02/ten/2015 $61 M $forty.2 M $74 Yard -
02/06/2015 $49 Thou $33.ane Yard $61 Thou -
02/03/2015 $40 M $27.three One thousand $49 One thousand -
01/30/2015 $32 M $21.6 Chiliad $40 M -
01/27/2015 $25 M $16.7 M $32 One thousand -
01/23/2015 $20 M $13.iv Yard $25 M -
01/20/2015 $15 M $10.0 M $20 M -
01/16/2015 $270 M $177.3 Yard $292 Thousand -
01/13/2015 $246 One thousand $159.4 M $270 Grand -
01/09/2015 $221 One thousand $144.8 Thousand $246 M -
01/06/2015 $206 Grand $131.i M $221 1000 -
01/02/2015 $188 M $119.2 M $206 Thou -
12/30/2014 $172 Grand $108.4 1000 $188 Thou -
12/26/2014 $156 M $99.0 M $172 M -
12/23/2014 $142 Thousand $ M $156 M -
12/19/2014 $125 M $eighty.4 G $142 M -
12/sixteen/2014 $113 Grand $71.vii M $125 M -
12/12/2014 $102 M $63.9 1000 $113 M -
12/09/2014 $91 Grand $56.0 M $102 M -
12/05/2014 $80 One thousand $ M $91 M -
12/02/2014 $70 M $43.ii 1000 $80 G -
xi/28/2014 $61 M $37.3 Thousand $lxx M -
eleven/25/2014 $52 One thousand $ M $61 1000 -
11/21/2014 $43 One thousand $26.1 M $52 M -
11/xviii/2014 $35 M $21.1 Chiliad $43 M -
11/14/2014 $26 M $15.7 Chiliad $35 1000 -
11/xi/2014 $twenty M $12.0 M $26 Chiliad -
11/07/2014 $15 M $9.0 M $20 M -
eleven/04/2014 $321 M $ Thou $369 M -
10/31/2014 $284 M $172.0 M $321 K -
ten/28/2014 $252 One thousand $153.5 K $284 M -
ten/24/2014 $224 Thousand $137.2 M $252 M -
x/21/2014 $200 M $122.6 M $224 M -
10/17/2014 $180 1000 $110.ii One thousand $200 M -
10/14/2014 $166 M $100.4 Thousand $180 Grand -
10/x/2014 $150 M $90.0 M $166 One thousand -
10/07/2014 $136 M $80.viii Thou $150 Chiliad -
10/03/2014 $120 One thousand $70.9 One thousand $136 M -
09/30/2014 $105 M $62.1 G $120 Thou -
09/26/2014 $93 1000 $ M $105 M -
09/23/2014 $83 M $48.1 Thou $93 M -
09/19/2014 $72 Thousand $41.eight Grand $83 M -
09/16/2014 $62 1000 $36.0 K $72 M -
09/12/2014 $52 M $30.7 Grand $62 Thousand -
09/09/2014 $41 M $24.iii 1000 $52 M -
09/05/2014 $33 One thousand $xix.7 M $41 Thou -
09/02/2014 $25 One thousand $15.1 M $33 Chiliad -


How Much Is the Mega Millions Drawing Up to TUTORIAL

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